Creature has decided to adorn our strange little character with a new Moustache every day throughout November.  Our aim is to help support and promote the fund raising efforts  of all the artists drawing for Movember.

We want to seek out the illustrators volunteering their creativity for the Movember cause and we want to offer our support by shouting about their compassionate endeavours via facebook and twitter. If you know of any creative Movember projects then please get in touch.

Here are a couple of cool projects we found today…

Paul Shinn is creating a Movember themed illustration everyday throughout Movember. Check out his project here:

You might also be aware of The Gallery of Mo. They have a whole bunch of illustrators ready to create a Mo’trait in return for a donation to the Movember cause.  They are seeking more artists, so if you want to get involved in drawing for Movember, sign up here.



Originally posted 2012-11-28 09:00:54. Republished by Blog Post Promoter