Artist: Daniel Fishel
Website: o-fishel
Daniel is a designer, hand letterer and illustrator, with a BFA and MFA in illustration. Boston, Terriers and tiramisu are other loves he has. Juggling with perspective hand drawing and colour layers, his work has been featured in magazines, record labels, galleries and products. One tip: after reading the interview and checking Daniel’s artwork, go to “links” on his website – you’ll find some other platforms worth visiting!
Daniel Fishel / B. 1986
Illustrator, designer, hand letterer, Boston Terrier lover, casual bike rider, concert goer, teller of bad jokes, hopeless romantic, root beer snob.
Everyday from 7 am ‘til 9pm. I take most Saturdays off.
Queens, NY. I work from home because having a studio outside of your apartment is really expensive. I am lucky enough that I don’t work in the same room that I sleep in.
I don’t like sketching in a sketch book or doodling. I love telling stories and solving problems. Illustration does that for me.
I draw everything in Acrylic paint and a brush on paper. Using a light box, I block out shapes in Acrylic on another sheet of paper. I then scan in all of this and other textures from charcoal, fucked up silk screen prints I’ve pulled, linoleum block shapes, and ink washes to collage together in the computer. I’ve always struggled with composition and could never just draw a good composition and it’s done. So the computer has allowed me to move things around and also be surprised about how to think about composition. If I do make an acrylic painting, I will draw it out, scan in the pencils, re arrange the drawing, print it, and trace the drawing on to a nicer piece of paper before going to final.
Find Daniel Fishel here:
Portfolio: o-fishel
Tumblr: ofishel
Dribbble: o-fishel