Artist: Sam Island
Sam Island is nice. And he likes visual puns. Dark humor, irony and sarcasm are all part of his work, personal or commercial. The simplicity of the drawings, using a bold outline and basic body features, will appeal to Hergé’s ligne claire fans, and that combined with Sam’s color palette may also bring Julian Opie to memory. Altogether, Sam Island’s illustrations are to the point, concise and easy to remember. Here’s a peek over his daily creative process:
Sam Island, 32 years old.
I create illustrations for commercial use, mostly magazine’s and advertising.
I work best early in the day. 7am, right after I walk my dog and I get a cup of coffee I start drawing in my sketchbook on either personal images or something for a client. I work till about 5pm then I don’t even want to think about drawing until the next day.
I work in my home studio. It’s a small room dedicated to my work. I keep it pretty clean and simple. Just a desk and computer. Not many distractions to get in the way. I live in Toronto Canada. I’ve been living here for 7 years. It’s a great city to live and work in.
Because I can’t imagine doing anything else. I love to draw and all I want is to be able to do that all day. It’s a wonderful way to make a living. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
I have a very simple working method. I do all my drawing by hand with markers. I then scan my work into photoshop and add the colours.
Find Sam Island here:
Twitter: SamIslandArt
Tumblr: samisland
Originally posted 2013-03-07 09:00:33. Republished by Blog Post Promoter