Artist: Rey
Location: Paris, France
Who are you, where are you from?
I’m Rey, a 22 years old freelancer illustrator who lives and works in Paris, France.
What do you do?
I do mainly black and white illustration. Besides this love for drawing, I created 2 years ago the MMav (it’s mean My Mindwill or – Mon Moulin a Vent in French) with a Friend of mine who is an illustrator too and Now, We are working together on elaborate creative projects! We recently made our first self published fanzine and it’s now available in some places in Paris like in the library of The Centre Georges Pompidou.
Why do you do it?
I started drawing because it feels very natural for me to tell stories. So drawing was and still is for me the best medium that I’ve found to express what’s on my brain. It’s really what I need to do to be. It’s a way to share my own feelings with others through my creations.
Who are your influences?
When I was studying Art in University, I discovered the work of these extraordinary artists from the Ukiyo – e scene with Hokusai & Hiroshige especially, it really changed my way of seeing drawing. So the Japanese scene was really important but now it’s always changing, of course since I’m working in black and white, I try to look for artists who work in black and white too. So I would say the work of genius like Moebius, Otomo and Tatsuyuki Tanaka really influenced my work. But I can watch the work of some fantastic background artists its really what I’m looking for to create in my work.
What inspires your work?
Really everything that can stimulate my brain.
How does the place you live impact upon your work?
Well I guess it doesn’t really have a direct impact on my work. I like to travel and visit different places but Paris is definitely a beautiful city. The things that captivate me sometimes are some architectural places.
How do you create these images?
I don’t have any concept when I start a new illustration I usually begin by drawing something bigger or I start on the right / left bottom of the paper then I focus on the details. I need everything to be drawn before putting the ink. In my opinion, style doesn’t necessarily need colors. Inspired by the Japanese print, by the forms and their perspective, my work is a combination of lines and black and white tone combined in the same space.
What do you like?
The Food. The Rain. Travelling. Skating. Supreme. Listening Podcast, Spending time with good friends. Sharing, talking, meeting.
What don’t you like?
Depends on the mood!
Find Rey here:
Twitter: @ReyMMav
Originally posted 2012-06-14 08:00:51. Republished by Blog Post Promoter