Artist: Martynas Pavilonis
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania.
Who are you, where are you from?
My name is Martynas Pavilonis, I’m an illustrator and graphic designer from Vilnius, Lithuania.
What do you do?
I do many kinds of art, from illustration, graphic design to some photography and even acting sometimes. As matter of fact tomorrow I’m gonna play some indian for a short-movie of a friend. But my main thing and focus is illustration.
Why do you do it?
Because I love it, simple as that. I do really enjoy creating illustrations, it’s one of my main expressions. Creating illustration is like therapy for me, escapism from “reality” to my very own planet. I like reality but my own planet is even more fun. I love surrealism.
How does the place you live impact upon your work?
I live in Old Town of Vilnius, whole atmosphere is very mystical by its old buildings, churches and streets, it’s really great place to get inspired. I love abandoned old places, there’s something intriguing and scary but tempting about it. Also Lithuania is surrounded by many forests and lakes. I love some nature. You can see a lot of forest and atmospheric moments in my works.
How do you create these images?
I just need time when I’m alone and it’s dark outside and all the magic happens with the help of ink, paper and computer.
What inspires your work?
Everything. There’s no thing in the universe that’s not inspiring, but especially I love to get inspired by the dreams. Images that comes from that are very magical and honest to me.
What do you like?
Good people.
What don’t you like?
Bad people.
Find Martynas Pavilonis here:
Originally posted 2012-06-28 08:00:14. Republished by Blog Post Promoter