Artist: Miss Vitriol
From: Lille, France
Who are you?
I’m Miss Vitriol, 31 years old, french lowbrow artist. I’m a graphic and web designer too.
What do you do?
I paint colorful creatures or shapes on canvas or wood panels. Sometimes I do it on vinyl toys or paper. I love them, they are my friends, they live in my world and I’m the queen !
Why do you do it?
At first it was a kind of curative expression, it helped me to express some of feelings that I wasn’t able to express in other ways. I like to match dark backgrounds with bright colors in the foreground, as paradoxes and ambivalence within each thing. I like to illustrate emotions, I can’t imagine my life without my tubes of paint.
How do you create these images?
Sometimes with oil but mostly with acrylic, Posca, wood paint, spray, pens, papers with shapes on it for some textures. I use all the things around me that are able to draw, paint or colour and most of the time I mix them. When I decide to paint I have to be quick I make an artwork in one shot, most of the time in only one night.
Who are your influences?
I love Jeff Soto’s artwork, I love the mix of dark and bright colors in his work. Mark Ryden for the symbolism he puts on his work. I like to see works of Brandi Milne, Gary Baseman, Camille Rose Garcia. And the french artist Niark, or german Low Bros inspires me, a lot of shapes. Mostly Lowbrow influences.
What inspires your work?
In fact I have a lot of inspirations ! The movies of David Lynch is one example, the music of trip-hop or electronic artists I listen to while I paint, the feelings and emotions I have, my friends, travels, dreams and nightmares. In fact everything I see or listen to, everyone I meet and every places I go could be potentially an influence. I just let the emotions live within me and translate them in colors.
What do you like?
So many things… Dreaming, awake or not, is one of the main things I like.
What don’t you like?
I’m so neurotic, I don’t want to list them, you are not my shrink ! (lol)
Find Miss Vitriol here:
Originally posted 2012-01-19 09:00:17. Republished by Blog Post Promoter