
Artist: Patswerk
Location: The Hague, the Netherlands

Who are you, where are you from?
Hi! We are Patswerk. A graphic design & illustration studio from the Netherlands.

What do you do?
We draw stuff that makes us happy, and we hope our work has a positive effect on other people aswell. We design posters, flyers, Tshirts, editorial illustrations, logo’s but also like to make big colorfull wallpaintings.

Why do you do it?
Because it’s so much fun! We like to include little graphical jokes and details to our pieces, so that you can keep discovering new details in our work. And people are willing to pay us do to something we would be doing anyhow.


How do you create these images?
We sketch and doodle a lot on paper. But our final pieces are mostly done on the computer. We also like scanning and using all kinds of textures, and incorporating them in the digital design.

Who are your influences?
We are influenced by a lot of our friends who are also graphic designers. It’s cool to see that working hard really pays of. Artists we admire are Tad Carpenter, Mike Perry, Hedof, Bart Aalbers, Bobby Pola and Idris van Heffen

How does the place you live impact upon your work?
Our studio is located in the Hague, the Netherlands. It’s a lace where most of our friends live and work. So we get to hang out with lots of creative and fun people. It’s also the perfect combination between a small town and a big city. You’ll never be bored here, but you can also find nice places to relax.


What do you like?
Drawing, sandwiches, music, rainbows, silkscreen pints, robots, skateboarding, lasers. And preferably a combination between all those things.

What don’t you like?

Find Patswerk here:

Originally posted 2012-02-09 10:00:47. Republished by Blog Post Promoter