Artist: Leah Zobott
Who are you?
I am a nineteen year old aspiring illustrator, a suburbanite hoping to finally achieve her life-long dream of living in the city, an art school student, a socially awkward human-like creature, someone who is happy, smiling, content, constantly inspired, etc.
What do you do?
I have an over-active imagination so I’m always doodling and transferring ideas and characters and words into my sketchbooks or whatever I have on hand such as scraps of receipt paper and gum wrappers. I also like to write and play music. And I eat. I eat a lot.
Why do you do it?
Art is my true passion! And food is delicious.
How do you create these images?
I just go for it. I don’t usually think through my compositions or what kind of creature I want to make. They sort of just come out of my pen on their own and I let them do what they want. In terms of materials, I stick with technical pens, ink, cut paper, and for colour I usually just do it digitally.
Who are your influences?
Julia Pott!, Ryan Humphrey, Misaki Kawai, David Litchfield, Gala Bent, Ginette Lapalme, Helen Vine (ヘレンつる), Natsko, and the world of graffiti artists, particularly Swampy.
What inspires your work?
Personal experiences, art school, graffiti/street art, mythical creatures, hair, nightmares, the human body, tentacles, fashion, customers that I have to deal with at my crappy retail job, glitter, distortion, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Japanese culture.
What do you like?
Street fashion, street art, strange people, cute food, the internet, my puppy, music, and Minneapolis.
What don’t you like?
I just recently saw Paranormal Activity 3, so THAT comes to mind right away, along with any other scary movie, Hollywood, when someone eats the last slice of pizza, wet socks, summer, my hair, roadkill, and crocs.
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Originally posted 2011-12-08 10:47:28. Republished by Blog Post Promoter