Daniel Mackie

Artist: Daniel Mackie
Location: London UK
Website: www.danielmackie.com

Who are you?
Daniel Mackie, an award-winning illustrator and a respected member of the industry. Starting out in 1995, I have worked globally across all segments of the industry and recently won “Best in Book” in the Creative Review illustration Annual 2011.

What do you do?
I paint illustrations with watercolour, although this is a relatively new thing for me. I used to use Photoshop as one of my main tools but it was driving me crazy!

I do consider Photoshop and other image making software an enormous benefit for illustrators and image makers and when i first stared using it back in 1995, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. But I felt I had to go back to the shop floor so to speak, because I had developed a method of using Photoshop that, without realising it, was affecting my decision making and style, predominately because of the multiple undo feature. It is one of the great strengths of the software but because you can always undo what you have just done you never have to make a solid decision. Using watercolour you have to be sure what you are doing before the paint touches the paper.

Why do you do it?
Because I love it!

Daniel Mackie

How do you create these images?
With pencil and watercolour.

Who are your influences?
At the moment I am very much influenced by Japanese prints; artists like Hiroshige, Hokusai and Yoshitoshi. I also love work by Henri Matisse.

What inspires your work?
Everything from other peoples’ work to observing nature. I love the magic moment when you realise that a concept or idea is working. Like I mentioned earlier about how I abandoned Photoshop in favor of watercolour paint, I have found putting myself out of my comfort zone very inspirational and it has taken my work in unexpected directions!

Daniel Mackie

What do you like?
Everything from chicken and leek pie to playing the guitar, to walking in the Alps to the colour Cadmium Red….

What don’t you like?

Find Daniel Mackie here:
Twitter: @danielmackie

Originally posted 2012-01-24 09:00:40. Republished by Blog Post Promoter