Artist: David Wildish
Who are you, where are you from?
I am David Wildish, based in Swindon, UK. I have been sketching for as long as I can think, I love pencil and nice plain black ink pen as my medium of choice. Pretty much all my art is self indulgent and I have an aim to create 33 monsters by the end of the year and an illustrated book.
What do you do?
By day I am a full time graphic designer for a national UK Optical company.
Evenings and spare time are spent compensating for the lack of artistic freedom at work (with a focus on monsters and illustrated infographics).
Why do you do it?
My Children inspire me with bedtime stories we invent together but mainly because I love creating.
How do you create these images?
I sketch most of my work in pencil on my favourite grid maths paper pads, I create all my vector artwork in InDesign over illustrator favouring the simplicity.
Who are your influences?
I love artists like Brian Despain and Jakub Dvorský whom I find totally amazing, although I try not to look at others work too much as I find I end up over analysing my own work.
What inspires your work?
I find inspiration everywhere, although I do end up thinking most my ideas up on my walk home from work or just as I’m trying to get to sleep at night.
What do you like?
I love clean lines and tidy measurements in my artwork, probably to an unhealthy level but it makes me happy, although in the real world I am a really messy worker.
What don’t you like?
The fact that undo (cmd Z) does not exist in the real world, and wasps who are my arch enemy in life.
Find David Wildish here:
Twitter: @David_Wildish
Originally posted 2012-06-05 08:00:07. Republished by Blog Post Promoter