Artist: Graham Carter
Who are you, where are you from?
Graham Carter from Brighton, Earth
What do you do?
I draw/paint/Wacom a selection of things that go round in my head. Things like Yetis, robots, origami creatures, clockwork birds, monsters, puppets, more robots and little people in animal costumes
Why do you do it?
A number of reasons really. I sometimes find it difficult expressing myself In the real world so it gives me a chance to be heard on paper (or screen). I just have an overwhelming urge to create pictures. Where that stems from I don’t really know – I just go with it…..
How do you create these images?
I’m always exploring different ways of image making. Usually it goes – Thumbnail sketch – computer – layers – screen print. Good ol’ fashioned drawing and painting can be enjoyable too though if I find the time. For my recent show I produced several wooden characters
Sculpted from many individual laser-cut parts
Who are your influences?
I always forget several crucial people when answering this question but I’ll just fire a few names out in no particular order. Chris Ware, Shaun Tan, Tara McPherson, Pete Fowler, Wes Anderson, Batman, The Simpsons, Charley Harper, Kuniyoshi, Pixar, Samurai Jack
What inspires your work?
I think a lot of my work is born from a subconscious fusion of various elements over a long period of time. Be it nature programmes, film scenes, Old travel/film posters or random thoughts on a long train journey.
What do you like?
Peanut Butter, Camper Vans, Peter Cook, Spaced, Chevy Chase, Bonsai Trees, Morph & Cheese
What don’t you like?
Large groups of men (except my own friends!), ‘comical’ radio adverts, shallow people, Gangsta Rap, tanning booths & Michael McIntyre. I could Go on.
Find Graham Carter here:
Originally posted 2012-07-03 08:00:14. Republished by Blog Post Promoter