Mareike Engelke

Artist: Mareike Engelke

Who are you?
My name is Mareike Engelke. I’m an illustrator based in the ruhr-area in germany.

What do you do?
Half the week i illustrate things and i try to make a living of that. The other 3 days i’m an art director in an advertising agency.

Mareike Engelke

Why do you do it?
well, i have no other choice. I get frustrated when i don’t draw.

Who are your influences?
One of my first visual loves as a child was the work of janosch. He’s really famous in Germany.

Mareike Engelke

What inspires your work?
Nice paper and other materials, a big cup of coffee, time to waste, people buzzing around me while i’m drawing, a nap, a narrow deadline, funny texts, ….

What do you like?
I like to like things. Heee. I wonder if this is stupid 🙂 i really need harmony and balance around me.

What don’t you like?
Cold water neither in the shower nor as a drink.

Find Mareike Engelke here:

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Originally posted 2011-06-23 09:00:14. Republished by Blog Post Promoter