Artist: Miranda Sofroniou

Important: Images are only detail – click them to enlarge.

Who are you?
Hello I’m Miranda; a student living and working in London

What do you do?
I am going into my third year, studying Illustration at Camberwell College of Arts. I am really interested in making children’s books; I’m currently working on a series, titled ‘Things that Blow my Mind’ each book is a collection of interesting facts about a different topic, such as Space, and the Ocean. I like to mix different materials such as paint with more detailed line drawing and collage. My work is very colourful, playful, fun and tactile.

Why do you do it?
Because I love it, because it’s fun, because I don’t have to think about it.

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Who are your influences?
Brian wildsmith, Jockum Nordstrom, David Hockney, Michael Sofroniou.

What inspires your work?
A lot of my work comes from a desire to learn, there are a lot of things I find fascinating, and mind blowing..there are my main sources of inspiration: Space, The Sun, The Earth, Landscapes, Weather, Volcanoes, The Human Body, how things work, and more. My aim is to explore science using a different, more artistic approach, but specifically in making it exciting and visually easy to understand for children.


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What do you like?
Breakfast buffets, Adventures, Colours.

What don’t you like?

Miranda Sofroniou:

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Originally posted 2011-08-23 09:00:59. Republished by Blog Post Promoter