Peter Hudspith

Artist: Peter Hudspith

Who are you?
Some sort of Bipedal Hominid with a keen eye and a mischievous sense of fun.

What do you do?
I produce various forms of image making from doodling to photomontage,
both professionally and for my own pleasure.

Why do you do it?
I feel in part, it’s an instinctual urge I’ve had from early childhood that’s
stayed with me into adolescence. It’s also damn good fun.

Peter Hudspith

How do you create these images?
I create my images using drawing, mixed media and photomontage.

Who are your influences?
I’ve had a number of influences over the years, most notably Picasso, surrealism,
John Heartfield, Raoul Hausmann and the animal kingdom at large.

What inspires your work?
I take inspiration from other artists, things I see around me and a desire to keep
developing as an artist.

Peter Hudspith

What do you like?
I like art, music, books, cinema, travelling, long ly-ins and the occasional beer.

What don’t you like?
Corporate culture, patronising advertising, consumerism, junk television
and stepping in dog shit.

Find Peter Hudspith here:

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Originally posted 2011-10-04 09:00:50. Republished by Blog Post Promoter