Artist: Ruben de Bruijn (Screaming Washmachine)
Who are you?
My name is Ruben de Bruijn aka Screaming Washmachine coming from a very small village in the south of The Netherlands.
What do you do?
I draw a lot and put a lot of awesome colorful stuff in my work. For fun I draw especially monsters and colorful objects Beside drawing I´m still a graphic/interactive art student. In the future I’m going to specifiable more in animations. Further I love designing shirts because I think its great if someone wears my art.
Why do you do it?
I draw because a friend of mine always drew very cool and detailed stuff. I wanted to be as good as him, so I came up with my own drawing style, which was pretty simple but very chaotic. I just put everything that comes to my mind into a sketch. Throw it into photoshop and add A LOT of colors. But my style changed over time because I started to make more use of computer programs and I wanted to add more detail to the everything.
Who are your influences?
I like all kinds of art, especially album art covers and fresh colorful festival and poster illustration. In Holland there are lots of very cool illustrators and people with a good taste of art. Bart Aalbers and Patswerk are my favorite artists.
What inspires your work?
My biggest influence is everything that I see everyday on the internet and in books and in my common life. In my dreams I go through weird and colorful worlds full of monsters.I try to draw them at daylight, that is the biggest part of my inspiration. I also get my inspiration out of music.
What do you like?
I’m a big fan of loud music and happy music that you can party to. Also a big fan of icecream and noodles!
What don’t you like?
I don’t like annoying children, spinach and watching television.
Find Ruben here:
Twitter: @Rubenkip
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Originally posted 2011-06-28 09:00:38. Republished by Blog Post Promoter