Creature loves poetry nearly as much as we love illustration. So what happens when we merge the two mediums? Find out below!
Earlier this month we called out for illustrators to create images for a series poems by Ben Macnair. We gave each illustrator one poems each and asked them to create their visual interpretation.
There are 6 poems in total, the first three were released on Tuesday (click here to view), this post gives you the final three with accompanying illustrations.
Above: Matilde Sazio –
The warning sign
is on the door.
In a waiting room,
you don’t know how long,
you will be waiting for,
with last year’s Woman’s Own,
Children kicking their seats,
a man with a nasty cough,
and none of his original teeth,
peeling wallpaper,
fading paint,
and a creeping sense of Déjà vu,
until your name is called,
and your own shadow
follows you through.
Above: Patrick Carlsson –
School’s Out
The Caretaker
adapts the recipe
to his needs and methods,
and while the School Orchestra rehearses,
a lumpen atonal piece with none
of the right wrong notes,
he cuts off the excess fat,
cooks the mincemeat, and looks
to improving the demand
for his supply teacher pie.
Above: Illustrating Rain –
Snap went the camera,
the caretaker of a moment in time,
an unrehearsed happening,
an excess of excitement,
adapting a group of friends,
to molecules, pixels, pinpricks of light,
improving, and keeping stories
which do not need to be told.
View part 1 of this poetry collaboration
Thanks yous…
Thanks to Ben Macnair for submitting his poetry, we were drawn in by his insightful words and intimate little stories. This art wouldn’t exist without his poetry. Nor would it exist without the eagerness and creativity of all the artists involved, it’s so interesting to see how each individual has interpreted Ben’s words. We hope more than anything that it has been an enjoyable experience for you. Look our for more poetry collaborations soon.
Originally posted 2011-02-16 10:00:37. Republished by Blog Post Promoter