Artist: David Blatch
Project: The Balloon that broke away
Yes, it’s true, David Blatch is back. Returning from a couple of months of marble sorting David re-appears with a new part to his ongoing saga, The Balloon that Broke away. And that’s not all, during his sabbatical he has been developing a cool new style which he showcases in his new piece on the theme of change. Don’t worry it’s not a complete departure from his inspired street influenced characters and colourful, humourous scenes but definitely a slight change in direction for the illustrator. Change is good. We dig it, how about you?
David says:
Well, the new one is done. Its in a different style to accompany the theme, which is change. He (the Balloon)is playing strip poker with Die Antwoord. You must have heard their song somewhere called ‘Enter the Ninja’? Those cats are crazy! I thought if you could choose your neighbours, they would be high on the list, never a dull moment.
This is what David is on about:
Originally posted 2010-10-13 09:24:12. Republished by Blog Post Promoter