Artist: Ollie Stone
Project: Freak of the week – The final throw!
Today we sadly say goodbye to year long contributor and prolific illustrator, Ollie Stone. Ollie has decided to hand over the reigns to his freak of the week spot, our new contributor will be revelealed to you later today. In the meantime enjoy one amazing final piece and some goodbye words from Ollie.
Ollie Says: “This fellow is the New York Creature, and he is the last in a long line of little monsters, bears, dinosaurs and somewhat scaly-women created for Creaturemag.
Many thanks to Matt Witt and Creaturemag for providing such a welcoming platform with which to showcase my illustrations, and for allowing me to violate your creative pages with new ways of working. You have been brilliantly fun.
After almost one year of contributing little monsters to Creaturemag, I can safely say you have re-iterated one thing to me – Draw creatures and draw them for fun.”
Thanks Ollie it’s been a pleasure working with you.
Originally posted 2011-04-04 10:31:17. Republished by Blog Post Promoter