David LitchfieldArtist: David Litchfield
Project: Freak of the week
Website: www.davidlitchfieldillustration.com

Alright folks, today we’re presenting you with something a little bit different for our Freak of the Week post. David Litchfield along with 6 other illustrators held an event in Bedford over the weekend for ‘Big Draw’ called ‘Monsters of Bedford’ and he’s been kind enough to share with us some of the photos he took. Take a look at some of these monsters, how awesome are they?

David says: This weekend I had a great time drawing Monsters for the ‘The ‘Monsters of Bedford’ workshop. It was set up by a local arts organisation ‘We Are Bedford’ as part of the nation-wide Big Draw event. Myself and 6 other excellent illustrators from the Bedfordshire area were on a mission to encourage members of the public to come in and draw a monster and stick them on our ‘Monster Wall.’ The event was a great success and loads of people got involved. The people of Bedford did us proud and drew some really scary monsters and some really bizarre creatures. I’ll be blogging about the event very soon and putting some pics up of peoples creations. So keep an eye on http://tinkerd.tumblr.com. In the meantime, here are some of the monsters I drew on the walls of the gallery space.

David Litchfield

David Litchfield

David Litchfield

David Litchfield

David Litchfield

Originally posted 2011-10-24 09:00:24. Republished by Blog Post Promoter