Gemma Cotterell

Gemma Cotterell

Artist: Various
Title: Happy Friday Competition

Congratulations to Gemma Cotterell who has been selected by our panel to be the new Happy Friday contributor here on Creaturemag.

We recently opened up our Happy Friday feature to new contributors. Thanks to all who gave their time to submit work, all the entries were great and can be seen at the bottom of this post.

We put all the wonderful entries up in front of three judges, Illustrator extraordinaire David Litchfield, the brilliant Handsome Frank Illustration Agency, and Creaturemag founder Matt Witt. Each judge was asked to pick their top three images, the winner would be the image with the most votes and would be the proud new weekly contributor to our Happy Friday feature. Without further ado, here are the comments from judges:

David Litchfield says:

Isabella Mazzanti Brilliant character design. Its like a Ghibli style which is lovely. Also nice mix of Pen and ink and digital. Super.

Gemma Cotterell – I love it. I love the fact its felt tips (or looks like it). Its a tiger for goodness sake. A tiger with tattoos. Wearing a medallion. Awesome.

Steven Learmonth – I like it because it has slightly disturbed me. In a pleasing way.

Handsome Frank Illustration Agency says:

Anika De Korte – A nice playful illustration with good use of composition. I’d like to see some texture in the leaves/bark to move it on further.

Gemma Cotterell – I’m a sucker for a tiger illustration. The detailing is nice too. No idea what it’s got to do with Friday though.

Isabella Mazzanti – Nice use of mixed media and I like the colouring.

Matt Witt says: 

Isabella Mazzanti – Love the fun carefree happiness, subtle colour palette and slightly dark cuteness in this image.

Amy Freeman – It’s a dancing armadillo celebrating Happy Friday. It’s endearing and fulfilling the Happy Friday brief nicely.

Gemma Cotterell – Love the vibrant colour and detail here, just such a stunning image. Would perhaps like to see a more clear reference to Happy Friday.

All entries:

Originally posted 2013-07-17 12:39:11. Republished by Blog Post Promoter