Project: Open submissions – Movember Moustache Characters
Happy Friday to all and welcome to the 8th installment of Movember Illustrations. We hope you enjoy the show. Please help to spread the word on this great cause by tweeting and sharing. You can view all the submissions so far here: Movember submissions
Get involved: Click here to read the brief and find out more about our famous judging panel.
Above: Aleksandra Gizewska
Above: Chloe Cook
Above: Emily May
Above: Lady Orlando
Above: Rebecca Strickson
Above: Ruby Taylor
Above: Stephen Cheetham
Above: Vicky Woodgate
Above: Zoe Yeah
It’s all for a great cause, to help raise awareness of men’s health issues. So why not get involved. Click here for further info.
Originally posted 2011-11-25 10:30:02. Republished by Blog Post Promoter