Paul Underhill

Above: Paul Underhill

Project: Open submissions – Movember Moustache Characters

The moustaches are really rolling in now! Here are 10 more for you to peruse. We hope you are enjoying the show! Thanks to everyone for getting involved and supporting this great cause.

All entries will be judged as part of the Moustache Illustration awards. Click here to read the brief and find out more about our famous judging panel.

Dan wolfe

Above: Dan Wolfe

Dale Booth

Above: Dale Booth

Nathan Page

Above: Nathan James Page

Janis Krauklis

Above: Janis Krauklis

Branko Jovic

Above: Branco Jovic

Axel Zapata

Above: Axel Zapata

Americo Neves

Above: Americo Neves

Alejandro Megah

Above: Alejandro Megah

Dorothee Schmidt

Above: Dorothee Schmidt

It’s all for a great cause, to help raise awareness of men’s health issues. So why not get involved. Click here for further info.

Originally posted 2011-11-19 15:16:34. Republished by Blog Post Promoter