otis the owl by mulga the artist

Artists: Joel Moore
Project: Mulga’s Zombie Zoo
Website: mulgatheartist.com.au

An Ode to Otis the Owl

He was the smoothest owl on the whole darn team
And he made every shot with no effort it would seem

And after he made a shot a little dance he would do
And the kicks on his feet would come alive like a zoo

B-ball was his game and he was quite good at it
But being a smooth owl is how he got all his credit

After the game all the chicky owls would come by
Get his autograph and then fly away into the sky

And the sunnies on his head made his presence electric
And wearing them increased his skills from super to hectic

The End

Originally posted 2014-04-08 09:07:22. Republished by Blog Post Promoter