Artists: Joel Moore
Project: Mulga’s Zombie Zoo

An Ode to Time Keeper Timmy

Time Keeper Timmy was a punctual chap
He was never once late even when he had a flat

The sands of time slip through the hourglass
With this in mind everything he did he did really fast

He high fived instead of shook and ran instead of walked
His thoughts were double speed, he even rapped instead of talked

Running across the road he got hit by a car
Broke both his legs and was stuck in bed with a cast

For Timmy time seemed to slow to a shuddering halt
He had no place to go and no way he could bolt

So he got himself the Sunday newspaper
And mastered the force like the dark lord Vader

Originally posted 2012-10-17 07:43:25. Republished by Blog Post Promoter