Artists: Joel Moore
Project: Mulga’s Zombie Zoo
Website: mulgatheartist.com.au

An Ode to Wally the Wahoo

There was a wonderful Wahoo who was called Wally
He was a wise old fish and not prone to folly

All the other fishes always asked him for advice
He would hear every fish out and he was really nice

His favourite pastime was belly flopping
He’d pop out of the water like a rabbit hopping

This was his one indulgence that wasn’t so wise
Because flying in the air should be left to the flies

One day he popped into the air so very, very high
And hit a jet skier right smack in the eye

The explosion was enormous it was a large sound
There were bits of fish and eye scattered all around

The End

Originally posted 2013-12-18 07:00:48. Republished by Blog Post Promoter