Artist: Thom Kofoed
Project: The Inside Thoughts of Now
Title: Someone in the world is looking for you
Website: |
Today we have something slightly different for you from Thom Kofoed. We are on a mission to find a man. Over to Thom!
Thom says: I visited Rome and met a man at Termini Station on July 24th. His name was Giovanni. He helped me and a friend navigate the machine for tickets to Florence. He smiled. He spoke good English. In a rush we ran and never said thank you. And I want to.
I’m going to find him and I need your help.
I figure the internet is a pretty powerful tool and, considering I live in England and know little to nothing about him it seemed like the best place to start. Somebody always knows somebody who knows somebody else and I’m hoping that the chain will stretch long enough to reach where he is. We have even set up a website and everything:
It feels important and I’m not entirely sure why.
I believe in people.
I’m reaching out.
I’m hoping for the best.
What you can do…
Please retweet, email, facebook, tell everybody you know about this mission, spread our website among your friends – – and maybe, just maybe someone will know where he is. I’m testing the power of the internet. I want to find him.
What we already know
Check out our website: to find out what we already know about this man.
Please do what you can because I can’t do this alone. When our book comes out, chronicling the story, I will dedicate it to each of you.
Thom writes a poem a day. Check them out at
Originally posted 2012-08-07 15:36:22. Republished by Blog Post Promoter