Tag / 5W+1H
5W+1H = Marta Madureira
Artist: Marta Madureira Website: Marta’s website is currently being updated. Please find more info and illustrations here. Marta is a Portuguese editor, graphic designer, illustrator and teacher. Feeling an urge to start making their…
5W + 1H = Zhenia Vasiliev
Artist: Zhenia Vasiliev Website: evasiliev.com Zhenia was already an active designer and editorial artist in Russia before arriving in England, in 2009, to study illustration. In May 2010, MacMillan Children’s Book Prize highly…
5W+1H = Jes Hunt
Artist: Jes Hunt Website: jeshunt.co.uk Think of shaman-like folks, covered in animals’ skin and fur, wearing horns and playing the flute out in the woods. Think of scattered branches, snowy settings and creatures that, similar…
5W+1H = Lydia Nichols
Artist: Lydia Nichols Website: lidyanichols.com I was introduced to Lydia’s work by Phil Lately, a striped jumper boy, all crazy about stamps. You’ll get the chance to meet him too, in Lydia’s portfolio.…
5W+1H = Jakob Hinrichs
Artist: Jakob Hinrichs Website: jakobhinrichs.com Jakob has lots of editorial work. He’s also in love with graphic novels, being the author of the recently released Traum-novelle. His artwork is embedded in the…
5W+1H = André Letria
Artist: André Letria Website: andreletria.pt Illustrating since 1992, and now also running his own publishing house (Pato Lógico), Portuguese André Letria develops artwork with a spot-on and colourful approach. The motto “keep…
5W+1H = Jacek Wozniak
Artist: Jacek Wozniak Website: wozniak.unblog.fr/ Chances are, if you’re into the music of Manu Chao, you already know Woz. At least you’ve probably seen the artwork, on book, albums or videos. That’s…
5W+1H = André da Loba
Artist: André da Loba Website: andredaloba.com Welcome to the second 5W+1H! On this one, from Aveiro, past Barcelona, to New York, stands a man with a suitcase full of illustrations and other…
5W+1H = Ricardo Cavolo
Artist: Ricardo Cavolo Website: ricardocavolo.com Welcome to the first in a new series of artist interviews… Over the next few weeks artist Mario Pinheiro will be bringing you a series of interviews…