Tag / Adam Pryce
Adam Pryce Happy Friday Holiday Yeti
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Holiday Yeti Website: adampryce.com Fridays come and go in the snowy mountains, but this Friday is a special one – its the day that Yeti goes on holiday! 2…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday The keeper from the deep
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday The keeper from the deep Website: adampryce.com Deep below the ocean waves lives a creature as old as time called ‘The Keeper’. This creatures favorite hobby is collecting all…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday Clove the Cow
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Clove the Cow Website: adampryce.com Thousands of years ago people used to worship Clove the Cow as she used to provide strawberry milkshake for free to all the poor…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday Glowman Lockett
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Glowman Lockett Website: adampryce.com Glowman Lockett is obsessed with keys and locks. He is the size of a keyhole and keeps detailed books archiving all the different types of keys and…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday – The Protector
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday The Protector Website: adampryce.com When you go to sleep, tiny slug-like creatures called Slocks will occasionally try and make a new home in your brain through your ear. Luckily…
Happy Friday – Adam Pryce
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday – Swamp Party Website: adampryce.com Friday night down at the swamp means one thing – having a boogie with natures disco lights, the fireflys. …
Imaginary Friends Adam Pryce Ankur & Abeer
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Imaginary Friends Ankur & Abeer Website: adampryce.com Deep in the jungle Ankur and his imaginary friend Abeer are dancing to sounds of the insects and animals surrounding them.…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday The Party Alien
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday The Party Alien Website: adampryce.com Sent from the planet Disco to the dance floors of earth – everyone meet The Party Alien! You see the skulls around his neck? they…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday Cogley the Love Robot
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Cogley the Love Robot Website: adampryce.com Its Friday! its time to show you some Happy Friday love in the shape of Cogley the Love Robot. He is all about…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday Aurum the Miner
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Aurum the Miner Website: adampryce.com Deep under the ground, near the center of the earth, lives Aurum the Miner. He spends his days looking for valuable metals with the…
Happy Friday Adam Pryce Roboilla
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Roboilla Website: adampryce.com Its Friday! its the year 2097! and the Zoo of the future has just received a new delivery of Roboillas! Half robot, half Gorilla – as fun to…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday Emperor Cluck-Ing
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Emperor Cluck-Ing Website: adampryce.com What came first – the chicken? or the egg? well… it was Emperor Cluck-Ing. Emperor Cluck-Ing actually originates from space and laid an egg by…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday The Gatekeeper
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday The Gatekeeper Website: adampryce.com Deep below the ocean waves, guarding the Lost city of Atlantis is the Gatekeeper. Not one living person has ever got past the Gatekeeper due…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday Minotaur
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Minotaur Website: adampryce.com Today’s ‘Happy Friday’ is a paralympic special in the form of Mike the Minotaur – who is taking some time away from the Cretin Labyrinth to take part…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday The Bug Catcher
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday The Bug Catcher Website: adampryce.com In the not so distant future scientists will send out tiny robots (such as the one above) in to the rain forests in order to safely…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday King Human
Artist: Adam Pryce Project: Happy Friday Website: www.adampryce.com King Human – ruler of the seven Seas is obsessed with humans – so much so he changed his name to Human, had…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday The Pearock
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday The Pearock Website: adampryce.com The Pearock is a legendary flightless bird that lives in the mountains of Mexico. The Pearock colors change depending what gender they are – at last count scientists…
Happy Friday Ra The Cat by Adam Pryce
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Ra The Cat Happy Friday Website: adampryce.com Back in ancient Egypt there was a cat called Ra. She spent all week sitting next to the pharaoh and being…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday The Beginning
Artist: Adam Pryce Project: Happy Friday Website: www.adampryce.com Before time began, living in the vast primordial soup was an entity simply known as ‘The Beginning’. It has the ability to create galaxies by…
Happy Friday Max the Octopus
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Max the Octopus Website: adampryce.com Its Friday and that means the end of a long working week at the Catfish sanctuary for Max the octopus –…