Tag / mario pinheiro
5W + 1H = Sretan Bor
Artist: Sretan Bor Website: sretanbor This time, we asked Sretan Bor to be on the spotlight. He willingly accepted the challenge. Sretan draws on paper, and paints, and draws and paints on walls.…
One day, they’ll take’em all away…
Artist: Mario Pinheiro Website: mareopinheiro Tumblr: mareopinheiro
5W + 1H = Keiron “Seamouse” Lewis
Artist: Keiron “Seamouse” Lewis Website: keironlewis “Seamouse” grew up in the UK, where he also learned how to surf, and is currently based in Sydney. He is graphic designer and shares that job…
5W + 1H = Patrícia Pinto
Artist: Patrícia PintoWebsite: patriciapinto As promised, here’s the second interview to celebrate 5W+1H’s first anniversary. This one’s with Patrícia Pinto, from Portugal. With focus on graphic design, illustration and packaging, she makes detailed paper cut illustrations, creating…
5W + 1H = Greg Kletsel
Artist: Greg Kletsel Website: gregkletsel Today we celebrate! It’s 5W+1H’s first anniversary, twenty six interviews later. It’s been a sweet journey and I have to thank all the interviewees, all of you readers and followers,…
5W + 1H = Marta Monteiro
Artist: Marta Monteiro Website: martamonteiro Marta Monteiro is a graduated sculptor (from Oporto University of Fine Arts) turned teacher, illustrator, animator and film director. Regarding illustration, she makes posters, children books and…
5W + 1H = Daniel Fishel
Artist: Daniel Fishel Website: o-fishel Daniel is a designer, hand letterer and illustrator, with a BFA and MFA in illustration. Boston, Terriers and tiramisu are other loves he has. Juggling with perspective hand drawing and…
5W + 1H = Diego Lizán
Artist: Diego LizánWebsite: diegolizan Diego is from Spain and a fellow Creature Mag contributor. He draws, paints, sculpts/assembles toys and is also active on graphic design. His illustrations have something similar to drawings…
5W + 1H = Teresa Fontes
Artist: Teresa Fontes Website: teresatypes Teresa Fontes (aka Teresa Types, aka Teresinha) is a Portuguese designer currently living and working in the Netherlands. Her illustrations have a vibrant palette, make extensive use of…
5W + 1H = Laurent Moreau
Artist: Laurent Moreau Website: zeroendictee Laurent has a degree in Decorative Arts, from Strasbourg University, and makes children books, editorial illustrations and graphic design. He also plays on a rock band and likes…
5W + 1H = Joana Rosa Bragança
Artist: Joana Rosa Bragança Website: joanarosab.com This week we feature a young lady who lives and works on a small sunny city, which has a large fishing port, lots of boats, Moorish-style houses and…
5W + 1H = Bruce Mackay
Artist: Bruce Mackay Website: behance.net/brucemackay From Cape Town, Bruce is an artist with focus on hand-made illustrations, prints and type (though his portfolio shows colorful and digital commercial work too). Icons, pictograms and graphic design have their…
5W + 1H = Casey Roberts
Artist: Casey Roberts Website: wildernessoverload.com This May we get a wilderness overload, delivered by Casey Roberts. With the blood of an artist, Casey works like a chemist to create beautiful and fantastic landscapes, frequently introducing innuendos…
5W + 1H = Catarina Sobral
Artist: Catarina Sobral Website: catarinasobral.com Catarina is from Coimbra, Portugal, and is working her way up in illustration. With a background in graphic design, she enrolled on a MFA in Artistic Illustration at the same time her first…
5W + 1H = Nathaniel Russel
Artist: Nathaniel Russell Website: nathanielrussell.com Aloha, Creature followers! April brings you Nathaniel Russell, from Indiana, US. Nathaniel got a BFA in printmaking and is now active in drawing, illustration, graphic design and painting. A blend of colors, lines and…
5W + 1H = Tyler Warren
Artist: Tyler Warren Website: artbytylerwarren.com This interview comes with a delay. Tyler e-mailed me the answers in 2012 but I kept it on hold. With Tyler’s permission I selected some images from his website…
5W + 1H = High in the Bay
Artist: High in the Bay Website: highinthebay.bigcartel.com Meet Mildred and Pacolli. When preparing the interview, I asked Pacolli about their DIY stance and how it is trying to make a living out of…
5W + 1H = João Vaz de Carvalho
Artist: João Vaz de Carvalho Website: jvazcarvalho.com It’s a tough name for non-Portuguese speakers. Worth remembering though, whichever the accent you may give it. João likes to nurture humor and wants his memory filled with daily…
5W + 1H = Yasmeen Ismail
Artist: Yasmeen Ismail Website: yasmeenismail.co.uk Yasmeen tells us she has a love for inks, paints and watercolours, and alongside with that comes the interest in collage, design, paper craft and typography. Her beautiful illustrations (and…
5W + 1H = Jurjen Bosklopper
Artist: Jurjen Bosklopper Website: jurjenbosklopper.nl Happy new year, everyone! In the first interview of 2013 we present you Jurjen Bosklopper, an animator and illustrator from the Netherlands. Back in 2008 he animated the video…