Artist: David Blatch
Project: The balloon that broke away
Welcome to part 5 in our adventures of the balloon that broke away.
The world cup… what a spectacle, it certainly has Creature glued to the box every evening. David Blatch too seems to have been swept up in world cup fever.
Part 5 in his balloon saga depicts the balloon and Zakumi (The World Cup mascot) watching the game from what would seem to be the best seat in the house
We love the way that David has chosen to compose this piece, from way up above the stadium with a magnifying glass. It’s a well thought out, intriguing piece, you have to look twice to see what’s going on there, it really gives a sense of distance, height and excitement.
A great topical piece and lovely to catch up again with our Balloon that decided to grab life by the horns and pursue a life worth living….. he certainly does exist on the edge.
We hope you enjoy the show.
Check out more work by David Blatch at his website:
Originally posted 2010-06-16 10:47:33. Republished by Blog Post Promoter