Mr Fox

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Artist: Toby Allen
Project: The Grimmest Grimm

Fairy tales were never intended to be the sickly sweet versions we know today and many of the original stories focused on grisly characters and creatures that killed and devoured their victims at whim, with little to be sorry about. In this project I will challenge myself each month to take on an obscure and dark fairy tale and produce a piece of narrative illustration created in a picture book style, but still making them appeal to older audiences.

“Be Bold, Be Bold, But Not Too Bold, Lest That Your Heart’s Blood Should Run Cold.”

This first tale is Mr.Fox, an English fairy tale adapted from the Grimm tale The Robber Bridegroom. This gory tale follows an investigative heroine who discovers the true murderous nature of her enigmatic lover. I have interpreted the characters as foxes to somewhat lessen the impact of the murderous themes in the tale but also make Mr.Fox appear much more monstrous.


Originally posted 2013-06-20 08:00:02. Republished by Blog Post Promoter