Helen Macdonald

Above: Helen Macdonald – www.jollygoodstudio.co.uk

Artists: Elaine Tang | Helen Macdonald | Jamila Walker | Kate Eggleston-Wirtz | Madi Illustrates | Martyn Warren | Melanie Chadwick | Nancy Mungcal | Rebecca Strickson | Roberta Wood | Sky Nash |  Thom Kofoed

Wishing you a happy Valentines. Creature is normally anti Valentines but not this year! We are excited to publish these wonderful Valentines illustrations , expressions of love all created especially for Creature on Valentines.  Thanks to all the artists who took their time to show some love for Creature, we love you too x

Elaine Tang
Above: Elaine Tang – www.minirice.co.uk

Jamila Walker
Above: Jamila Walker – www.jamilawalker.webeden.co.uk

Kate Eggleston Wirtz
Above: Kate Eggleston Wirtz – eggwirtz.com

Madi Illustrates

Madi Illustrates
Above: Madi Illustrates – madiillustration.blogspot.com

Martyn Warren
Above: Martyn Warren –www.velcrocows.co.uk

Melanie Chadwick
Above: Melanie Chadwick – www.melaniechadwick.com

Nancy Mungcal
Above: Nancy Mungcal –prettylittlethieves.com

Rebecca Strickson
Above: Rebecca Strickson – www.rebeccastrickson.com

Roberta Wood
Above: Roberta Wood – www.robertawood.co.uk

Sky Nash
Above: Sky Nash – sky-n.blogspot.com

Thom Kofoed
Above: Thom Kofoed – www.thomatronics.com