Artist: Vladimir Stankovic
Location: Finland, Originally Nis, Serbia
Who are you, where are you from?
My name is Vladimir, I’m 26 and I’m an all around creative person. I was born in the town of Nis, Serbia, and currently I’m studying graphic design in Finland.
What do you do?
Drawing monsters, animals and creatures of all sorts…and working on my master thesis in between!
Why do you do it?
How big is the Universe?
How do you create these images?
Usually I just start drawing and painting, and the characters and all these creatures start to appear, they start to interact, overlap and create a very intense, magical world. Also, sometimes I make lots of sketches and variations of the idea I get and work on it till I get the best results. Either way, it’s a very fun and rewarding process.
Who are your influences?
Some of the great art visionaries that have influenced me are Gustav Klimt, Max Ernst, Dali… I tried to learn from each of them and use that knowledge blended with my own ideas and inspirations. I guess I feel some kind of closeness to the worlds and the atmosphere they created.
How does the place you live impact upon your work?
I was always fascinated by nature, and after seeing its beauty and power here at the North of Finland, I began to include more and more elements of nature in my work. Also, seeing the Northern lights had a lot of influence on my color palette…
What do you like?
Having coffee on a Sunday afternoon and relaxing with a good movie.
What don’t you like?
Find Vladimir Stankovic here:
Originally posted 2012-02-23 09:00:28. Republished by Blog Post Promoter