Artist: Kali Meadows
Location: Los Angeles
Who are you?
I am Kali Meadows
What do you do?
I create illustrations, a lot of them.
Currently I have a day job working as an apparel designer, I create anything from handbags to t-shirts. On my own time I am whipping up illustrations for art shows, or patterns for my own enjoyment.
Why do you do it?
A number of reasons come to mind; I do it because I really enjoy it, and it makes me proud when my artwork impact on others. I’m not someone who considers themselves an academic, but art gave me a confidence that I otherwise wouldn’t have. It’s not an issue of arrogance, but I know It’s a strength of mine and I take comfort in that.
That and… being able to eat and pay rent are nice.
How do you create these images?
With technology, the future is now! I work off of a macbook pro using illustrator as my main program. The artwork I produce is mostly digital, I have little patience for time.
If there’s any sketching involved it’s just a quick jot down in the notebook.
Who are your influences?
It’s a long list, but to select a few:
• Lab Partners
• Tad Carpenter
• Little Friends of Printmaking
• Invisible Creature
• Mary Blaire
• Charlie Harper
What inspires your work?
To get inspiration I usually just start brainstorming on a piece of paper like crazy.
I’ll go online and look at blogs and start writing down themes and ideas, anything that pops into my head. Eventually i’ll come up with something that I find to be cute or funny and I’ll go ahead and start creating it.
How does the place you live impact upon your work?
Living in southern california is uplifting and certainly has a positive impact on my work.
If you haven’t noticed, I tend to create a lot of cute illustrations and my overall mood adds to that. I can’t complain when most days are full of sunshine and within two hours I can be in whatever landscape I desire.
What do you like?
I like puppies, the outdoors, video games, thrift stores, taking pictures, cooking, sewing, dancing, joy rides on my scooter, amusement parks, the beach, camping, skiing, dogs, sloths, and traveling.
What don’t you like?
I don’t really care for moths, they’re dusty and run into everything
Find Kali Meadows here:
Originally posted 2012-04-26 09:00:25. Republished by Blog Post Promoter