Tom Hughes


Artist: Tom Hughes

Who are you?
My name is Tom Hughes.

What do you do?
I am a Student studying Digital Animation in Falmouth University

Why do you do it?
I do it because I love to draw and create new things all the time.

Tom Hughes

How do you create these images?
At the University we have alot of different ways to produce images etc… but for my personal work I use pencil and paper then MSPaint to make them digital and more final.

Who are your influences?
My favorite Illustrator is a man called Keaton Henson and my favorite designer is a man called Olly Moss.

What inspires your work?
I get inspiration anywhere really. I love to look at everyday things and take a different approach to them. (Hopefully something no-one has thought of before!)

Tom Hughes

What do you like?
What I like: Typography, puns and word play, Narwhals, Arcades/8-bit gaming, music (all kinds)

What don’t you like?
What I don’t like: Tomatoes, Comic sans, Politics and other boring things like that…

Find Tom Hughes here:

Originally posted 2012-05-08 09:00:55. Republished by Blog Post Promoter