Artist: Daniel Zender
Who are you?
Daniel Zender
What do you do?
I am a freelance illustrator, designer, print maker, and garden enthusiast. I also watch a lot of movies, and drink too much coffee.
Why do you do it?
I can’t imagine doing anything else, really. I love doing it, I want to do it every day, and if I wasn’t I think I might slip into a deep, nasty depression.
Who are your influences?
Mirko Ilic, Cedomir Kostovic, Eric Pervukhin, Ben Shahn, Brian Stauffer, Caravaggio, Luba Lukova, James Victore, David Lynch, Noah Lennox, Federico Fellini, Seripop, I dont know…I could go on and on. These come immediately to mind.
What inspires your work?
I think day to day life, traveling, the news, nature, I think movies are just as inspirational to me as pictures in books and magazines. My friends and my city inspire me to keep making stuff and hanging it around. Sometimes really high brow art, but other times its noticing things that would normally be walked by or ignored.
What do you like?
Tomatoes, delicious beer, clever drawings, loud music, dogs, double short espresso shots, big cities, small cabins and forests, walking, bicycling. I like coming up with a good idea and making it come to life. That is my favorite thing.
What don’t you like?
Really mean or negative people. I am trying to eradicate them from my day to day life.
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Originally posted 2011-08-18 09:00:19. Republished by Blog Post Promoter