Artist: Dwie Judha
Who are you?
My name is Dwie judha, I’m an illustrator from Jakarta, Indonesia.
What do you do?
Now I’m working in Maros VCI a non profit visual culture foundation in Jakarta. I also run an illustration studio called Kancata with my friends. And once a week on Monday I teach illustration class.
Why do you do it?
I like learning and sharing processes. Especially from people who have a different background than me.
How do you create these images?
Usually I do it with ink and adding the colour digitally, lately I’m really enjoying working with ink, because I’m still wondering how far the possibilities of this medium can go and how it affects my work.
Who are your influences?
Many names will come out, like Frida kahlo, Norman Rockwell, Josh Cochran, David Foldvari, Adikara, Keith Richards, John Frusciante, Cat Stevens, but for me the main influence is anyone who is passionate about their life and also has fully convicted with things that they’re doing.
What inspires your work?
Daily life.
What do you like?
Stories, I can sit all day just watching people passing by, see their expressions, gestures while waiting for a bus/train. I also like seeing the aging process. I like to compare what part has changed when people get old, or how they look when they are still young.
What don’t you like?
Animals called rats.
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Originally posted 2011-11-01 09:00:25. Republished by Blog Post Promoter