Rosie Curran

Artist: Rosie Curran

Who are you?
Illustrator from Brighton, UK.

What do you do?
I work in a bar and i draw

Why do you do it?
To relax, for practice, to laugh

Rosie Curran

Who are your influences?
Russel Crotty and Vic Reeves.

What inspires your work?
Procrastination, i nearly always produce a piece of work when I’m supposed to be working on another piece of work.

Rosie Curran

What do you like?
Repetition and shading things in, i find it therapeutic; that and sleeping, being comfy, and napping.

What don’t you like?
Blood, lifts, flying, theme parks, death, all your regular fears.

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Originally posted 2011-07-14 09:00:11. Republished by Blog Post Promoter