Category / BARKING MAD
Barking Mad #5 with Tracey Meek
Artist: Tracey Meek Project: Barking Mad Website: Originally posted 2013-04-27 10:11:00. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Barking Mad #3 with Tracey Meek
Artist: Tracey Meek Title: Harry Website: Not all cats live for food and sleep and the killing of birds and spiders. Watch your cat. It may be brain washing your child while…
Barking Mad #2 with Tracey Meek
Artist: Tracey Meek Title: Dangerous Dog Website: Noticed your dog is coming home in the early hours? Burning items of clothing in the back garden? Found a scrap book containing the newspaper cuttings…
Barking Mad #4 with Tracey Meek
Artist: Tracey Meek Title: C & A Website: Thinking about going swimming? Don’t do it. A giant yellow bear monster will jump out of the water. Make you eat chewing gum and tell…
Barking Mad #1 with Tracey Meek
Artist: Tracey Meek Title: Four eyes are better than one Website: Welcome to new contributor but long time Creature follower, Tracey Meek who will be contributing regular new drawings to our…
Barking Mad #6 with Tracey Meek
Artist: Tracey Meek Title: Hugs Not Drugs Website: Children! Don’t do drugs!!! You could end up like this guy. Legs made of legs and massive yellow arms. A big hand might appear from…