Happy Friday!
+Enlarge image Artists: Martyn Warren Website: Happy Friday to all! This week we celebrate our Friday with a specially created piece from the brilliant Martyn Warren. A man who lives in…
Happy Friday!
Artists: Kate Eggleston-Wirtz Project: Happy Friday – New illustrations every Friday. Website: Brand new art from Kate to wish you a happy Friday. Enjoy your day. Originally posted 2011-04-08 11:16:01. Republished…
Keeping Friday’s Happy III – The winner
Artist: Various Title: Happy Friday Competition Congratulations to Gemma Cotterell who has been selected by our panel to be the new Happy Friday contributor here on Creaturemag. We recently opened up our Happy…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday ‘The Internet’
Artist: Adam Pryce Project: Happy Friday Website: Do you know where the internet came from? The Internet was discovered by explorers in 1964 in the Antarctic after a large pink crystal…
Happy Friday with Danielle Buerli
Artist: Danielle Buerli Title: Happy Friday Milkshake Website: It’s Friday! Smile and have a milkshake. Originally posted 2012-08-24 08:00:01. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Project: One More Time Artist: Vualá! de Animaciones Website: ONEMORETIME is a new shortfilm by Vualá! de Animaciones, about the issues & suffering of the independent animator.
Adam Pryce Happy Friday Sir Suckling de Pomme
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday Sir Suckling de Pomme Website: High above the clouds is a floating wooden shack that is home to Sir Suckling de Pomme who spends his days weaving the…
Adam Pryce Happy Friday The Snow Cloud Maker
Artist: Adam Pryce Title: Happy Friday The Cloud Maker Website: Where do snow clouds come from? from The Cloud Maker of course! There are a total of six Cloud Makers in the world and…
Happy Friday with Danielle Buerli
Artists: Danielle Buerli Project: Happy Friday – New illustrations every Friday. Website: Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!
Artists: Kate Eggleston-Wirtz Project: Happy Friday – New illustrations every Friday. Website: Creature is at the Secret Garden Party but we wouldn’t leave you stranded without a happy Friday wish… Kate…
Happy Friday with Nikki Pinder
Artist: Nikki Pinder Project: Happy Friday! – A new illustration every Friday. Website: Welcome to Happy Friday. This week we welcome a new contributor to the Happy Friday feature. Nikki Pinder…
Happy Friday! With Kate Eggleston-Wirtz
Artist:Kate Eggleston-Wirtz Project: Happy Friday! – A new illustration every Friday. Website:
Lancashire Artists Book, zine and multiples fair – Review
Lancashire Artists Book, zine and multiples fair – Review – By: Kate Eggleston-Wirtz