Steven Kraan

Artist: Steven Kraan
Project: Freak of the week

Hello Creatures. Today is a special day as we introduce to you a new contributor to the pages of Creaturemag. Without further ado… Creatures, we give you STEVEN KRAAN.

Steven Kraan is another of these epic creatives who draws and publishes a  new image everyday. We have been following Stevens Daily Drawing Project for a while now and are always impressed and tickled by the humourous strips and characters that he produces. We thought Steven would be the perfect partner for David Litchfield on the Freak of the Week spot so we invited him over and he happily obliged.

Steven will be creating a new Freak especially for you every other week, each one will come in the form of his distinctive comic strip style as the Freak of the Week spot is transformed into a daily drawing match made in heaven! We hope you enjoy the show.

Originally posted 2011-05-16 09:12:13. Republished by Blog Post Promoter