The Weird Fish giveaway has ended.. Thanks to all who took part and helped promote the work of Martyn Warren. The winner has been picked via a random number generator (all enries are included in comments below.
The winner is:
Number 5 – Imogen Eveson. Your signed copy of the weird Fish Factopedia will be winging it’s way to you soon.
Give-away: Win a SIGNED copy of Martyn Warren’s Weird Fish Factopedia.
Have you heard of the weird Fish Factopedia? Do you want one signed as a gift especially from Martyn Warren? Well here is your opportunity. Check out the book here:
How to win?
1. Simpy Tweet, Facebook or blog this post
2. Leave a comment below with a link to where you spread the fish about
3. We will pick a winner on Friday
About the book: The Weird Fish Factopedia is an illustrated book about the origins and behaviour of Weird Fish, it was written/drawn over a period of around half a year. Creature very much enjoyed digesting our copy, it made us laugh out loud, more than once. It’s a clever, carefully considered and brilliantly illustrated book.
Note: Lost of people have tweeted this link but not left a comment here. We will be taking the twitter mentions we are aware of as entries and have listed them below. Thanks for the support.