Artist: Thom Kofoed and Steven Jarvis
Project: The Inside Thoughts of Now
Image title: Observations that stem from getting nowhere fast
Welcome to part 15 of “The Inside Thoughts of Now”, a collaborative project between writer Thom Kofoed and Illustrator Steven Jarvis. Click here to enlarge image
Thom says:
Last week I had a few days when I was questioning the direction my life was taking, doubting whether I had the tools to build a successful life for myself. It all came to a head when I text Katy saying ‘I don’t know how to exist in this world’ and, whilst that sounded like a suicide note, it opened up the flood gates for me to reassess how I feel about the energy I put out into the world. This poem is what manifested from those days.
Steven Says:
I was rather pleased receiving the email from Thom that issue 15 would strongly feature elephants; they are awesome creatures to draw! This issue’s illustration focuses less on the emotion and more on the elephant itself but, I wanted to convey the questioning and confusion that the writing depicts by making this piece more layered and sketchy than usual. Recently I’ve been experimenting with bolder colours and trying to add slicker graphic elements, I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing but it’s always good to see your work evolving.
Originally posted 2011-02-15 09:57:23. Republished by Blog Post Promoter