Tag / 1 minute creatures
Happy Friday… 1 Minute Creatures…
Artist: Marc M Gusta | Irene A Labella Project: 1 Minute Creatures Today we celebrate a happy Friday with the next batch of One Minute Creatures. These two funny looking things come…
One Minute Creatures
Above: Ellie Brooks – www.graffeeks.co.uk The next batch of 1 minute creatures for your enjoyment. Happy Friday to all! Above: Gallitrot (Ed Holland) Above: Danni Bradford –www.dannibradford.co.uk Above: Banu Tepeler Release your inner…
1 Minute Creatures
Above: Jeffry Fridfinnson – www.jeffkevlar.blogspot.com Here are some 1 Minute Creatures that have been created for your viewing pleasure. Want to get in on the fun? Take a look at our 1…
1 Minute Creatures
Above: Chris Sav Welcome to the weekend ladies and gentlemen. We hope you are enjoying your Saturday, it is the best day of the week after all. Here is the first batch…
1 Minute Creatures.
Artist: Jo Cheung |Shannon Wirtz Project: 1 Minute Creatures Two more one minute Creatures from Jo Cheung (top) and Shannon Wirtz. Thanks guys. Release your inner Creature, get involved in our 1…
1 Minute Creatures
Above: Niki Maritz – www.inkjourney.com Happy Friday to all. Today we introduce to you some new 1 minute creatures created by Creaturemag readers. These are numbers 67 – 70 – we are chasing…
1 Minute Creatures
Above: Niola G – www.srtamalasuerte.com Today we celebrate a Happy Friday with 5 brilliant 1 minute Creatures created by Creaturemag readers. Some are happy some are shy and the one below looks really rather…
One Minute Creatures
Above: Sarah Ryan – sarahdrawsthings.blogspot.com The next batch of 1 minute creatures for your enjoyment. We have now reached 50 one minute Creatures. Thanks to all who have taken part so far. Happy…
One Minute Creatures
Above: Janet Martin – www.jlmartin.ca Something for the weekend. A couple of new 1 minute Creatures from Janet Martin (above) “This beast lurks in recycling bins and the dark corners of shipping and…
More 1 Minute Creatures
one minute creature from Alex Woollam on Vimeo. Artists: Alex Woollam | Clara Rego | Jason James | Stacey Walker Project: 1 Minute Creatures The next batch of 1 minute creatures for…
One Minute Creatures
Above: BitmOO – bitmoo.me The next batch of 1 minute creatures for your enjoyment. Release your inner Creature, get involved in our 1 minute Creature project. Draw a creature in one minute, send…
One Minute Creatures
1 minute creature artists: Abi Whitehouse | Ellie Brooks | Katarzyna Kujawi | Maria Freitaas | Sofia Flemming | Tim McKinstry The next batch of 1 minute creatures for your enjoyment. The one…
1 Minute Creatures
Above: Chantal Mayhew A little bit of creature fun this weekend with these 1 minute creations. The one above is called Doug. The others are not named. Above: M. Musgrove Above: Stefanos…
1 Minute Creatures…
Artist: David Litchfield, David Blatch, Matt Witt Project: 1 Minute Creatures The next batch of One Minute Creatures from a some of our favourite artists. Release your inner Creature, get involved in…
One Minute Creatures
Above: Elaine Tang – www.minirice.co.uk The next batch of 1 minute creatures for your enjoyment, we have had 40 so far. Some very original ideas here, toilet roll, Origami, Dinner plates! Whatever next?…
Something for the weekend – George Rosu
Artist: George Rosu Website: georgerosu.blogspot.com Thanks to George Rosu for getting involved in our 1 minute creature project and for the great banners below (click to enlarge) which is currently on random…
Something for the weekend – Pat Henzy
Artist: Pat Henzy Website: Thecrayonwar.com Thanks to Pat Henzy for getting involved in our 1 minute creature project and for the great banner below (click to enlarge) which is currently on random…
1 Minute Creatures…
Artist: Everyone! Project: 1 Minute Creatures Link: www.creaturemag.com/one-minute-creatures Release your inner Creature, get involved in our 1 minute Creature project. It’s all explained on the flyer! PLEASE PASS IT ON! The aim…