Tag / ollie stone
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Welcome back Creature’s, we have been at The Secret Garden Party. It was brilliant, to say the least. We will be putting…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
+ Enlarge Image Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week – The final throw! Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Today we sadly say goodbye to year long contributor and prolific illustrator, Ollie Stone. Ollie…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
+ Enlarge image Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Continuing the prehistoric theme this week, a guitar playing dinosaur! Both this Dinosaur and last weeks entry have been…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
+ Enlarge Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Welcome back to our regular contributor, Ollie Stone. Ollie’s feature “freak of the week” is home to a range of…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk The Wrestling bears may have finished but Ollie is still busy pushing pens, drawing like a Beaver on acid and producing more…
Who’s that Creature? #7
Project: Who’s that Creature Artist: Ollie Stone Website: olliestone.co.uk This week we introduce a new Creature from the strange mind of illustrator Ollie Stone. Simply named – The head on legs. Brilliant.…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk New image from Ollie Stone. Ollie has been experimenting with drawing fashion models. He doesn’t know why. This one mutated, so he…
Who’s that Creature? #1
Project: Who’s that Creature Artist: Ollie Stone Website: olliestone.co.uk It is with great pleasure that we introduce a brand new feature to the pages of Creaturemag. The brainchild of long-time creature contributor…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Yet more wrestling Bears from Ollie stone… we will soon have a whole world of wrestling bears, we could make a book,…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Another freak fashion model from Ollie Stone. What goes on up there Ollie!? Ollie stone will soon be joined by a new…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
+ Enlarge image Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Creature loves this image by Ollie Stone. Real prehistoric! Appreciate the print effect on the fish scales and the…
Who’s that Creature? #11
Project: Who’s that Creature Artist: Ollie Stone Website: olliestone.co.uk Inspired by my new-found resident city of Brighton. Find Ollie and Kris here: olliestone.co.uk frenemylife.com Originally posted 2012-04-18 11:18:58. Republished by Blog Post…
Who’s that Creature? #19
Project: Who’s that Creature Artist: Ollie Stone Website: olliestone.co.uk This week Ollie Stone Introduces Mr Fox. This is Ollie’s last appearance on Who’s that Creature. He will no doubt be back with…
Who’s that Creature? #5
Project: Who’s that Creature Artist: Ollie Stone Website: olliestone.co.uk This week meet Spike, a 400 year old Vampire punk who exists all thanks to Ollie Stone. Sleep with one eye open! More…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk Brand new totally exclusive art from Ollie Stone – A new freak every Monday. Ollie is sharing this slot with his with…
Who’s that Creature? #17
Project: Who’s that Creature Artist: Ollie Stone Website: olliestone.co.uk Hehehe… a really little creature that loves protein shakes. Does Steven have small man syndrome!? Find Ollie and Kris here: olliestone.co.uk frenemylife.com Originally…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk “Razor was a Bastard…” Caused instant laughter when it arrived in our inbox. We have no clue as to how Razor deals…
Who’s that Creature? #13
Project: Who’s that Creature Artist: Ollie Stone Website: olliestone.co.uk fRanKen$t3!n Bear. Find Ollie and Kris here: olliestone.co.uk frenemylife.com Originally posted 2012-05-02 09:00:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk For this week’s Freak of the week, Ollie is back with more of his wrestling bears. This one is my favourite bear…
Freak of the week by Ollie Stone
Artist: Ollie Stone Project: Freak of the week Website: www.olliestone.co.uk The death of the cake monster. The cake is triumphant! Tune in next week for more new freaks from Ollie’s feature-mate Mohan…