Artist: Thom Kofoed and Steven Jarvis
Project: The Inside Thoughts of Now
Title:If I was brave you would love me
Welcome to part 20 of “The Inside Thoughts of Now”, a collaborative project between writer Thom Kofoed and Illustrator Steven Jarvis. Click here to enlarge image
Thom says:
Lots of trying things have happened to both me and those around me in the last month or so which has led to a lot of talk about free will and whether or not God exists. It has also encouraged discussion about ones own strength and ability to overcome trials and whether this would be easier to do if you believed that a higher power had a hand in the things you experienced.
Check out the full series of illustrated poems by Thom and Steven here:
Originally posted 2011-05-10 11:37:01. Republished by Blog Post Promoter