Artist: Kristopher Kotcher
From: Austin, Texas
Who are you?
My Name is Kristopher Kotcher and I hail from Austin, Texas. I love creating, Imagining, and monstering.
What do you do?
I am an Artist and student of Animation. I like to experiment and not limit myself with my art so my media is ever expanding. I do Illustrations, Sculpture, Digital, Screen Printing, and Photography, I am also starting to learn to animate. As well as those other things I am currently working on a short film based around a monster painting a self portrait of himself. I love to be creative and imagine.
Why do you do it?
Everyone has an escape from life for some its video games or reading a good book. My escape happens to be Art. . The older we get the less we seem to use our imaginations. They say if you dont use it you lose it and let me tell you my imagination is one part of me I never want to let go of! Art is more than a hobby, it is my passion in life. I love the process and the final outcome. To create this world that is all my own and then share it with others. To wonder and explore the possibilities of my mind and be creative the way that a child is. Imagination and creation are the best escape.
How do you create these images?
I use water color, Gouache, ink, screen printing, felt, fake fur, antlers, sewing supplies, plaster, film, all kinds of stuff! I love coming up with new ways to create. Recently delving into making 3d monsters has been so much fun. I will never give up painting but I really enjoy expanding into new medias.
Who are your influences?
Well I am really influenced by the Children’s books I read as a child. Everything by Shel Silverstein, as well as Where the Wild Things Are, Dr. Seuss, and Comic Books. Cartoons like Ah Real Monsters and Ren and Stimpy are also a big influences. There are lot of great Artists who inspire me such as Jon Boam, Jon Macnair, Jack Teagle, Ed Templeton, Margaret Kilgallen really too many great inspirations to name.
What inspires your work?
I’m inspired by reading books, looking at Art, Toy Stores, My friends, Music, Monsters, anything that gets my imagination going.
What do you like?
I love Music, Double Stuffed Oreos, Cats, Good conversation, Traveling, Experiencing the world and all the different people in it. Hamburgers, Snacks, and Fun.
What don’t you like?
Laziness, Unoriginality, Lack of passion, people who don’t like cats, and brussel sprouts
Find Kristopher Kotcher here:
Originally posted 2012-01-12 09:00:51. Republished by Blog Post Promoter