Artist: Cleonique Hilsaca
Location: Savannah Georgia USA via Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Who are you, where are you from?
I am Cleonique Hilsaca, an illustrator from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. I am currently studying illustration and painting at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA.
What do you do?
My work consists in commercial illustration and fine art. My style is mainly surreal and minimalistic with a cute and maybe creepy touch to it.
Why do you do it?
I create art because this is the way I chose to express my voice because Art is an exciting world that I will never cease to learn from and share with others and from which I have always longed to be a part of.
How do you create these images?
I work mainly in traditional mediums such as oil, acrylics, watercolors and inks, and others not so traditional as tea. I also work a little in digital format; it all depends on where will people see my work.
Who are your influences?
I am inspired by several artists, some at one point, some another. Some that inspire me a bit more constantly are Victo Ngai, Helena Perez Garcia, James Jean, Jeannie Phan, Kelsey Garrity-Riley, Jeremy Enecio, Monaux, Julian Callos, Yan Wei, etc. But mainly and truthfully, I am very influenced my manga and animated movies.
How does the place you live impact upon your work?
Being in Savannah, and in the United States in general really pushes my work towards a more contemporary and modern approach. I am influenced by the ever changing culture. But also, by being in my hometown I am able to seek more within myself and my own work new paths and ideas from which to branch from.
What do you like?
Being busy with work and procrastinating while at it.
What don’t you like?
Feeling lost.
Find Cleonique Hilsaca here:
Originally posted 2012-03-01 09:00:56. Republished by Blog Post Promoter