Creature loves poetry nearly as much as we love illustration. So what happens when we merge the two mediums? Find out here…

Earlier this month we called out for illustrators to create images for a series of poems by Ben Macnair. We gave each illustrator one poem each and asked them to create their visual interpretation. The illustrators are from all over Europe, brought together under one roof especially for this collaboration.

There are 6 poems in total, all by Ben Macnair. This post gives you the first three with accompanying illustrations. Part two can be found here. We hope you enjoy the show!

Ellen Vesters - Crime Scene

Above: Ellen Vesters –

Crime Scene
Don’t follow the red snow,
it is a warning,
that around here are
Grim fairy tales
with an eighteen certificate.


Daria Hlazatova - Snowman

Above: Daria Hlazatova –

The Snowman looks pale,
like he has seen the Ghost of Christmas past.
He hears the stories,
of what happens to Snowmen,
how he can never have a holiday in the sun,
and each snowflake that makes up his skin,
is a ticking time bomb, waiting.


Gilly Rochester

Above: Gilly Rochester –

The Orange

She treats her heart,
like she does her
Terry’s Chocolate Orange.
She drops in on hard surfaces,
introduces it to the business end of hammers,
peels of the expensive covering,
and gives it away piece by piece.


Thanks to Ben Macnair for submitting his poetry, we were drawn in by his insightful words and intimate little stories. This art wouldn’t exist without his words. Much appreciation also to all the artists involved, it’s so interesting to see how each individual has interpreted Ben’s words. We hope more than anything that it has been an enjoyable experience for you.

View part 2 of this poetry collaboration

Originally posted 2011-02-15 13:45:10. Republished by Blog Post Promoter