Artist: Thom Kofoed and Steven Jarvis
Project: The Inside Thoughts of Now
Title: Bryan Adams and the ritual of the curtains.
Welcome to part 19 of “The Inside Thoughts of Now”, a collaborative project between writer Thom Kofoed and Illustrator Steven Jarvis. Click here to enlarge image
Thom says:
When I was 13 I went into therapy (for a second time-different story, another poem maybe??) diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It affected me for quite a long time and very much defines my childhood and alot of my teen years. I was petrified that my family would die and took it upon myself to save them by doing everything ten times.
It seemed to work until one evening I couldn’t stop cleaning a pair of shoes for four hours and wept until my mum found me-the next day I had my first appointment with my therapist. This poem is about the night I remember a shift in my thinking. I’m almost sure it was the start of my mind malfunctioning.
Check out the full series of illustrated poems by Thom and Steven here:
Originally posted 2011-04-11 19:16:10. Republished by Blog Post Promoter